Code of Conduct
At Sarah Flint, we have a core value of 360-degree kindness, and that value applies to our treatment of one another, our suppliers, our artisans, our customers, our competitors, our environment, and our society at large.
This means:
• Acting with integrity
• Respecting the dignity and rights of every individual; and
• Treating our natural environment responsibly
We expect our employees, suppliers, and artisans to respect the following international frameworks:
• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights
• International Labor Organization conventions
• The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;
• The United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles;
• The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; and
• All applicable US, Italian, and International laws.
Sarah Flint also commits, and requires all of our suppliers to commit, to the following principles:
• To prohibit work by children under 15 years of age;
• To prohibit recourse, in whatever form, to slavery, human trafficking, debt bondage and the use of forced or compulsory labor, and to products or services created by these means;
• To prohibit any type of work that may compromise health, safety, integrity, or morality;
• To prohibit any behavior contrary to dignity and well-being at work, especially any practice contrary to labor regulations, such as those concerning remuneration and the right to a living wage, working hours, and working conditions;
• To respect employee rights of free speech, freedom of association and collective bargaining;
• To prohibit all forms of discrimination, in particular racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination, as well as discrimination associated with disability, and to foster working conditions that promote diversity;
• To prohibit all forms of psychological and physical harassment, including sexual harassment;
• To treat all men and women equally, fairly, and respectfully;
• To comply with applicable environmental regulations;
• To refrain from corruption in any form, including extortion and bribery;
• To disseminate as often as necessary these principles in an appropriate way to all employees, in all local languages; and
• To take appropriate steps to effectively apply these principles to suppliers and subcontractors.
We ask our suppliers to alert Sarah Flint to any difficulty in applying this charter, or any infringements of it. Additionally, pursuant to our supplier contracts, Sarah Flint team members or an external partner hired by Sarah Flint may, without prior notice, conduct monitoring to ensure that suppliers are complying with these principles. In such instances, the supplier must facilitate access to all necessary documents or persons, and to workplace and living accommodations.
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